Risking Reality (AR/VR)

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are two closely related developments that have been sweeping the tech industry for years. For example, Pokémon GO used this technology to take over and revolutionize the gaming industry in 2016. Users could use their personal device to see "real" Pokémon in their everyday life. Drawing on childhood nostalgia, Pokémon GO was an instant hit, and the common person was able to identify what augmented reality was and how it was used.

AR/VR is an interesting topic, as it's still something new and not fully realized. Many people have VR headsets for gaming (indeed, VR rhythm games like Beat Saber have become quite the rage these days), but the full application of this technology is not quite up to par. There are many uses for this technology in the medical field, construction sites, and military operations. I think my main question is, do we even want that?

Technology has a place to do good; I believe that. However, I am also a pessimist in the way that I believe capitalism will always corrupt absolutely.

I read a book on this topic once, and in that book the two main characters visited a different country that had fully integrated AR/VR into everyday life. This country had everyone wearing (Google-lens-esque) glasses that essentially fulfilled the purpose that VR headsets do today. In this society, every building, street, lamppost, and fire hydrant had an augmented exterior; everything was constantly lit up and changing like the Las Vegas strip. Very Black Mirror, I know.

This society wasn't the main focus of this novel, but it did bring about some interesting ideas. How are advertisements in augmented realities going to be regulated? Who defines what will be shown publicly? And perhaps the biggest of all, do we even want this future, or is it just another inevitability?
